Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tayla 13

These are the crystals I grew, they are very much in a cluster compared to other peoples but you can see the crystals but they are very small.

Tayla 12

Last year i when to a friends house, and we went rock climbing in the hills near her house and that's when i found this rock.
One side it is has mica flakes which is a metalic colour and the res is made up of different size crystals. you can see the crystals because they have flat sides and defined edges. the crystals look like they are in the shape of a hexagon if we could see right around.
I hope the three photos give you enough information .
Tayla Nietschke

Tania 20

Hello Everyone

Step 1. Add Alum into a jar of boiling water until it does not dissolve any more.
Step 2. Once the Alum does not dissolve anymore you then place some coloured dye in.
Step 3. Tie some cotton to the paper clip and the tie it to a pencil.
Step 4. Leave it on a bench until crystals have grown.
This is a crystal that I made last night out of Alum. Look at how many crystals are in the jar over a 12 hour period.
Here is a crystal that has grown on my paper clip.

Here is my crystal that is made out of a sugar solution.

Tayla 11

Here are some crystals that give you good Feng Shui which is like good luck. It is done by arranging objects around the home in a certain order to attract positive energy. It is an traditional Chinese art.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tom 18 Crystals

Hi everyone

Here are my crystals after being away for a week.
I am glad to be at the end of this unit



It was great seeing everyones crystals on IDL mine are so big that I need to make more of the solution!!!

Tayla 10

This is a glucose atom which is a form a sugar, so is fuctose and sucrose. they are much more complex than salt atoms.


Hi Everyone,

Earlier in the blog George had pictures he found on the National Geographic website, I had a look at what the picture were of and they are called then “the Sistine Chapel of crystals.” The real Sistine Chapel is a very famous church in Rome, Italy. The cave was found by miners excavating a tunnel in 2000 but is an amazing find. It has some of the largest crystals ever found. The mystery was how the crystals grew so big! Geologists say it was because the crystals ‘thrived because they were submerged in mineral-rich water with a very narrow, stable temperature range—around 136 degrees Fahrenheit (58 degrees Celsius)’. Crystals need special environments to grow just like the crystals we made. To grow crystals need to not be disturbed just like on the instructions for our crystals we had to leave the container without moving it for a while.

Tania 19

It was good to see all of your crystals on IDL.

sam 17

Hi everyone

I hope you are like the off line unit. I was on the net and i found thes crystals ear ring that are green i think they look cool.

Bradley23. Video Day 8

Hi Everyone
Here is my summery of my crystals for day 8.
Cheers Bradley

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

George 24

Here is my crystal growth from Day 3 to Day 8 so far. Thanks Bradley for the idea with the ruler.
1) Day 3
2) Day 3
3) Day 5
4) Day 7
5) Day 7
6) Day 8
7) Day 8

tom 17

Hi everyone

Did you know
Rock crystal is colorless natural quartz that grows under pressure in the presence of mineral deposits. Just after the Earth was formed, intense heat and pressure created ideal conditions for forming quartz.


sam 16

Hi everyone

My crystales are really cool the biggest one is 2 cm long!

Tayla 9

The crystals I have put up are of Clear Quartz.
They show the pointy crystal stuctures well. They have flat sides, long crystals and are very clear. The middle picture is of a cluster but it is still pointy and with a flat bottom.

Tayla 8

A few days ago I made another crystal it took 3 days and it is still growing this is my crystals now.

Bradley 22. day7

Hi everyone.
My crystals keep growing!!
They are looking pretty big and crystal clear now.
They show the shapes of each crystal very well and stick out in all directions.

pheynia 17

Hi everyone

Here are some of my crystal models and some of my rock crystals

Monday, March 30, 2009


This is an octahedron made out of magnetic sticks and balls I made.

Tania 18

Hi everyone
My crystal didn't really work so I am going to use my second sachet to make a new crystal.
Did anyone else's crystal not work?

sam 15

look at my really bad crystals

pheynia 16

pheynia 15

Hi everyone

here are some of my crystal models and my rock crystal

Bradley21. Crystals day 6

Hi Everyone!!
My crystals are HUGE!!!!
Look at my pictures.
If you want to see them full size click on the picture.
MY crystal in the discovery tube did not work. The plastic rocks didn't form crystals either. But my tree was successful and it looks pretty cool in real life!